Anchoring Systems

The suite of screw anchor systems available from MSNZ offer the highest holding power to weight ratio plus most environmentally sensitive anchor systems on the market today.

Once the screw anchor has penetrated the seabed, normally 4 to 6 metres into the seabed,  the only visual aspect of a (OPAS) Optional Plate Anchor System is the anchor warp coming up through the seabed to the surface.

MSNZ supplies and installs N-Viro anchoring systems which are designed, engineered and peer reviewed using an Independent Marine Consulting Engineering Company – Ocel Consultants Ltd of Christchurch NZ.

As a client you inform us of your requirements and we will select the appropriate anchoring solution for you. A certified structural plan can also be supplied as required.


There is a range of anchor types and plate sizes to select from depending on the sea floor topography and project

  • OPAS – optional plate anchor systems in lengths: 1m, 1.5m, 2m
  • HELIX – shafted anchors with 1m helix in variable lengths
  • Holding plate sizes from 150mm to 1500mm diameter with 8mm to 25mm thickness
  • Passive Earth Plate anchors and screw piles for swing moorings
  • Dual anchors for securing pipelines to the seabed in conjunction with Ocel Consultants  of Christchurch

Using Screw Anchors helps to protect the marine life on the seafloor by not disturbing the seabed surrounding the installation. 

With the accuracy of the Trimble on board our purpose built vessels Soundz Image and Soul Commitment, we can ensure the maximizing of the consented space available to the client.